Quick & Dirty Workshops

Welcome to my FREE Quick & Dirty Workshops series all about how to raise kids well!

These workshops are about an hour long, they’re live via Zoom so you can come and ask questions and share your experiences, and they’re also recorded with a replay sent out so don’t worry if you can’t make it live — you can submit your questions ahead of time. 

My Quick & Dirty Workshops are packed with practical, non-nonsense tips and tricks you can implement right away — things I’ve learned over the last three decades raising kids. I’ll also be bringing in some somatic tools to help us show up for ourselves and our kids in an authentic and embodied way that honors our capacity. And of course I’ll include all the Medical Medium® tools, which will be the foundation of everything we cover. 

These free workshops are a place to gather our village. 

upcoming workshops

mitigating tantrums & meltdowns

time and date tbd — sign up for my newsletter to stay in the loop

Learn the difference between tantrums and meltdowns and how to respond accordingly. We’ll be discussing root causes of tantrums and meltdowns, how to reduce the frequency and severity of each, how to navigate them in the moment, aftercare for tantrums and meltdowns, and how to support our grown-up selves so we can weather these storms with grace and ease. 

meet your mentor

Sooz main

professional nanny and household manager

3 decades raising kids

professional educator and mentor

7+ years healing with Medical Medium®

100+ symptoms healed

possible future topics

navigating poor listening
addressing toxic heavy metals
transitioning your child to MM
navigating triggers
MM angels for kids
getting healing tools in little bodies
and more

Past workshops

supporting picky eaters

Friday 20 october 2023 2pm New York time

Learn how best to support your picky eaters, how to respond to resistance, and how our grown-up energy influences how our kids respond to food. This workshop will be packed with practical tips and tricks to get healing tools into resistant little bodies, make mealtime fun and easy, and honor their sovereignty without losing your mind.

cleansing with kids

Friday 22 september 2023 11am New York time

Learn all about cleansing with kids, whether and why and when to cleanse with your child, which Medical Medium® cleanses work well for kids, how to modify cleanses for children, how to navigate healing reactions in kids, and what to be mindful of when children are cleansing. This workshop will help you bring cleansing into your child’s life with ease and confidence.

stay in the loop

Join my newsletter below to stay in the loop about upcoming workshops. Email me your topic requests and burning questions. Your input will guide these workshops!