our nervous system is our connection to the divine

what grown-ups are saying:

"Highly, highly recommended!"

"Sooz knows her shit."

"You have been a lifesaver."

"I had the tapped in, resonant sense I get when I feel very deeply seen and understood."

"My mood has improved."

"I can’t imagine being in better hands."

"Thank you so much for getting me through those really tough moments."

"The way that Sooz held me in this space felt NOURISHING."

"The nausea is pretty much non-existent so that’s wonderful."

"Highly, highly recommended!" "Sooz knows her shit." "You have been a lifesaver." "I had the tapped in, resonant sense I get when I feel very deeply seen and understood." "My mood has improved." "I can’t imagine being in better hands." "Thank you so much for getting me through those really tough moments." "The way that Sooz held me in this space felt NOURISHING." "The nausea is pretty much non-existent so that’s wonderful."

holistic wellness consultations

for grown-ups

personalized support

Personalized recommendations for navigating your unique challenges including MM tools, foods, supplements, energy shifts, somatic practices, angels, and more.

Continuous support along the way as you integrate changes into your routine.


comprehensive intake form

one 60 minute 1:1 consult via Zoom

comprehensive consultation notes

30 days of email support

$200 USD

the fastest way to heal is to be gentle

meet your mentor

7+ years healing with Medical Medium®

100+ symptoms healed

strep, EBV, shingles, PTSD, adrenals, liver, toxic heavy metals

all the cleanses at least once

what you can expect

a clearer idea of where to focus and what to prioritize, less overwhelm, more confidence, a deeper connection with yourself

  • “A big genuine thank you to Sooz for her gentle, wise guidance. I was able to ask specific questions, share a thorough background and get really tapped in, wise guidance on how specific healing foods might address specific ailments I suffer from. Sooz attributes a lot of her health knowledge to her thorough studies of the Medical Medium, but I got to experience a side of her that I believe is beyond that — her own mediumship intuited specific reasons for conditions I have like insomnia. I had the tapped in, resonant sense I get when I feel very deeply seen and understood. Nutrition and body image is an arena of life that has historically been fraught for me, and I tune completely out when most people give me advice in this realm. Generally diet advice feels way too dogmatic and not applicable to my specific needs. The way that Sooz held me in this space felt NOURISHING, like being fed, and was not at all deprivation-based.”

    — Hannah

  • “When I met Sooz, I was at a low point and feeling very discouraged. I’ve spent a ton of time, money, and effort in my life attempting to be a good disciple of Western medicine, and the quest for optimal health has continued to elude me. I’ve only been following the program Sooz assembled for me for the last 7 days, however, I can tell that my body really likes it. (Like REALLY likes it.) A large part of me is laughing rather maniacally at the fact that I’m setting aside years of training in the science of how to care for my body to follow the guidance of some guy who talks to spirits, but I have received too many “hell yes” indications from my health over the last week to ignore it. Sooz knows her shit and has been absolutely awesome about answering all my questions and providing me with all the hand holding I need as I get set up. And Sooz helped me work on cultivating the mindset that will best serve my progress. In all of her Virgo wisdom, she sent me an extremely thorough written account of exactly what I need to do to heal, and continues to be a huge help via email. She has been so patient, generous, and encouraging, and I can’t imagine being in better hands here.”

    — Elena

  • “I needed guidance on what to do for my symptoms and Sooz helped me with that and I am still doing it and feel great. I just felt that she was calm and patient through her emails. It was as if I was hearing her voice and it helped calm me down and celebrate my wins. Sooz explained how important it was to eat frequently and now I always notice that and am more prepared even when I leave the house.”

    — E Ramirez

what even is a holistic wellness consultation?

I’ve had requests for consultations from grown-ups who resonate with my work, my way of looking at the world, and my healing journey, but are not raising kids. I created Holistic Wellness Consultations for grown-ups in response to those requests and to provide a place for support on your journey back to yourself.

Whether you don’t have kids yet, will never have kids, had kids and they’re grown, or have kids who are perfect angels and you’re a boss at raising them and don’t need help in that area, my Holistic Wellness Consultations are all about supporting grown-ups as they nurture their bodies, thrive, and evolve into their fullest and most authentic selves.

From getting started with Medical Medium® information, to regaining momentum after hitting a plateau in your healing journey, and moving forward with spiritual and emotional growth after stabilizing physical symptoms, I’m here for it all. I have a deep and embodied working knowledge of Medical Medium® information from my own healing journey recovering from physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual symptoms (including strep, shingles, EBV, toxic heavy metals, PTSD, anxiety, depression, liver issues, and adrenal issues) over the last six years and supporting others along their journeys. 

I’m passionate about honoring these human bodies our souls are living in at the moment, deeply supporting and connecting with them in order to harness the full, glorious potential of this wild ride we call life. Our adrenals are what allow us to thrive and our nervous systems are what allow us to connect to the divine and I’m constantly on a mission to support them both so that everything else can fall into place. A few obsession of mine are: adrenaline, addiction, trauma, childhood, heavy metals, mental health, homeostasis, soul evolution, and the intersection of all of these things. I also love to incorporated somatic work and divine guidance.

we’re all just people

Kids are just people. They’re smaller and they’re more sensitive and they are growing more quickly and they haven’t forgotten who they are, but they’re just people. Like us grown-ups. So all the things I recommend for kids are actually things that are wildly beneficial for us grown-ups too and often things that we have gotten conditioned out of doing for ourselves. Things like stabilizing our adrenals, nourishing our nervous systems, getting lots of rest, and having fun.

Kids are kind of like the canaries in the coal mine. They don’t have access to any coping mechanisms so they can’t just deal with things not working for them like us grown-ups have learned to do. And a lot of those things us grown-ups have learned to do to cope and get by are not actually serving us. They are, in fact, things that would be best unlearned.

Anthony William says kids are grown-ups in disguise. I like to think us grown-ups are kids in disguise. And I’m all about letting that disguise fall away and finding our way back to the truth of who we really are, that truth we knew when we got here that we’ve somehow forgotten along the way. And the path to that knowing, to that intuition, to that divine connection, to the joy that is our birthright, is in caring for ourselves as lovingly as we might care for a child.