I'm so glad you're here!

Return clients: please select “RETURN CLIENTS ONLY” under desired service.

I offer Holistic Childcare Consultations where we look at overall well-being of both grown-up and child through the lens of Medical Medium® information, the adrenals and how to support them to support an optimal family dynamic, stored trauma and triggers and how these affect our capacity to embrace our whole child, and the energy we habitually embody and how that can make or break any situation. All things related to raising kids are fair game in these consults from physical symptoms to behavioral challenges, picky eaters, tantrums, listening (or not so much), the big ugly grown-up feelings that arise that we're not supposed to talk about, and more!

Holistic Childcare Consultations are 60 minutes via Zoom. They are $144 USD and include 30 days of email support following your consultation.

Please provide a little information below so we can get started. Next I'll send you an intake form and contract to complete. Once those forms are completed, I'll send you a link to schedule your consultation. Payment is due when scheduling.

I look forward to connecting with you!

All my love,